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A leap into the unknown
We are greedy and we forget to chase dreams and to make that leap into the unknown. Cause it might be scary and it has it’s uncertainties and we don’t take time to do so.
De stelling dat angst een slechte raadgever is vind ik zelf een beetje een dooddoener. Want in bepaalde situaties is angst juist een prima raadgever.
In certain cases fear can be a good advisor. That's how it works in nature, like in animal life.
But how then?
I took a lot with me next to that backpack I carried around. There was a lot of mental luggage too. A lot of my life experiences weren’t closed off yet, they still haunted my brain. The death of my father, my early youth. Being chased, beaten, kicked.......
Maar hoe dan?
Ik nam veel mee onderweg naast die dikke tas op mijn rug. Er was ook veel mentale bagage. Veel van mijn levenservaringen waren nog niet afgesloten. De dood van mijn vader, mijn vroege jeugd. Achtervolgd, geslagen, geschopt.....
The heat
I walked on, but slowly. I walked shorter distances, and on days above 40C heat I hardly walked at all. I learned to take things as they come. I stopped complaining.
Then procrastination kicks in. Delaying the moment to put my pack back on and head off into the wild. Go hiking. It's hard to explain but somehow I was a bit scared of that moment too. I started to doubt. 'Am I still able to walk with that weight and most important, will I still enjoy doing so?'.
Small steps
I had to take small steps going uphill. It is not my strongest point climbing up. And taking small steps asks for my absolute concentration. I don't like to take small steps. Not climbing up a hill and not in life too. But it is not always needed to take big steps. By taking small steps you will get time to adapt, to grow stronger.